Wednesday 22 January 2014

Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony

"Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony (formerly titled as Brony-Con: The Documentary) is a 2012 documentary film centring on Bronies, the adult fans of the 2010 animated television series, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The film, funded through crowd-sourcing via Kickstarter, was originally envisioned to follow voice actor and executive producer John de Lancie to the 2012 Summer Brony-Con in New Jersey. The project raised much more than anticipated, allowing it to grow in scope to bring on Lauren Faust, Friendship Is Magic's original creator, and Tara Strong, a principal voice actress on the show, as executive producers and to include additional convention footage from European conventions."

So,what is a Brony?
“A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc..) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.”
So there you have it, That is the definition of what a "Brony" is. And it's all covered in the rather bizarre documentary Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony. 
Now from the outside you think that surely grown men not only liking my little pony is odd but dressing up as them and meeting at conventions even weirder? That's the view I get from peoples reactions and yes it is very odd but the documentary explores many different sides and aspects as well as some very interesting characters in the Brony-verse.
It opens up with a talking heads style, five or so people telling the reasons behind the love of all things My Little Pony. As it goes along we see the creator of the cartoon show which all the pony love seems to be based around and the saying they have much in the Star Trek "Live Long and Prosper" Saying but theirs is "Friendship is Magic!" Which is just one of the many many quotes that the Bronies use from the show.
Now the documentary mainly focuses on 3 Bronies, 1 young chap lives in a very small town in backwoods America with the population of around 250, He drives an old Mercedes Benz that is adorned with My little pony stickers, he tells a scary tale of how one night he was filling up with gas and was approached by some of the locals who proceeded to smash all his windows and even point a rifle at him accusing him as they say of "Catching the Gay"Small minded to say the very least! We next up see a high school kid who tries all he can to persuade his mum and dad to take him to Pony-con, His dad won't have any of it and even refuses to watch any of the show with him. Next up we have a teenage guy from the UK who was diagnosed with as-burgess syndrome. He feels lost and unable to mix with people until he discovers the Brony-verse and finds out that there will be a convention taking place in Manchester England.

So from that brief description it seems that these young fellows just want to belong and be accepted without prejudice.We follow them along there journeys and I have to say that they do achieve their goals of meeting up with others and in the end and having a great great time. Now maybe because this is a fairly unknown fan-boy geek type of affair that at the moment it is very much frowned upon, When the convention happens in the USA there is well over 1000 people there including members of the military. It is put across in the documentary in a coming out kind of way, very odd but very good to see nice people enjoying themselves and not hurting anyone. Now myself as many us are, Classed in the "Horror Community" which itself has been open to all kinds of hate, not only from people that call us weirdo's but also from the press, Video Nasties sicko smut pedallers etc.......
In summing up it is a must watch documentary, I certainly can relate to them on a certain level but on another level it is a little odd! But hey, who am I to judge. The video below shows who the call the most manliest Brony. He is a guy in the USA who a lot of the young kids look up to as a mentor, Tells them just enjoy life and haters gotta hate, yeee haa!!
Jonny T.


  1. Been meaning to watch this... your review has me convinced that I should.

  2. Thanks Kev! It's odd because it has a LOT of haters but I personally really enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts :-)
